Gabe, me, and Mel. My arms are like soooo long in this pic. Hehe.

This weekend, I traveled to Minnesota for the My Book Therapy Storycrafters Retreat.

It. Was. Amazing.

For those who don’t know, My Book Therapy is a writing craft group led by multipublished author Susan May Warren, who I cannot speak more highly of. Seriously. This lady just helped me so much. She’s an amazing example of God’s love and light, and a really good author too.

Me and Susie. Best. Writing Coach. Ever.

I got to see my writing buddies Gabrielle Meyer and Melissa Tagg (Mel is my critique partner). Gabe drove an hour out of her way to come and get me at the airport. She rocks!

I just got to spend time with them both at the writers conference I attended last month, but I admit…knowing this retreat was coming allowed me to not go into COMPLETE withdrawal after the awesomeness that was ACFW.

Sweetest friend and double-time roomie, Gabe!
My awesome CP and me. Her hair kept blowing in my face. LOL.

I specifically got some really fabulous advice on scene writing and Susie worked with me a little to brainstorm the next book in the series I’m planning. We even wrote a scene the last night and read it aloud yesterday morning. Susie gave us feedback right then and there.

All in all, a great weekend.

And now, I might REALLY go into withdrawal.

So to cheer myself up, I’m going to announce the winner of the Susan Meissner giveaway…

Sarah Forgrave!

Congrats, Sarah! I’ll send you an email asking for your address.

Your Turn: What did you do this weekend?