
Do you ever just feel…overwhelmed by all the things you’re supposed to be?






And the list goes on and on…and on.

But you know the cool thing about God?

First, He understands that we aren’t perfect. And He forgives us when we are mean, ungenerous, selfish, undisciplined, and disloyal.

And the next cool thing…He doesn’t expect us to go it alone. Blind.

No, instead, He gives us examples to live by.

Jesus used parables to illustrate His points, to show what we should do in certain situations. To show the power of God to transform lives. To transform us.

And in our everyday lives, He gives us people who speak truth just by the very way they live.

I’m so incredibly blessed to have so many amazing people in my life who are examples of Jesus to me. Yeah, they aren’t perfect either, but they’ve allowed the Lord to work in and through them–and that inspires me to no end.

I had a fabulous mother and have an awesome mother-in-law and stepmom, all who have loved their children with everything in them. They give and serve tirelessly. It’s the kind of mom I hope to be someday.

I thank the Lord I know what a good mother looks like, because of them.

I have a mentor, an older woman in the faith who comes alongside me and encourages me specifically in my marriage. She reminds me over and over that my marriage should be a higher priority than my work and my writing–than anything but my relationship with God. And she not only encourages me, but she lives it out in her own marriage.

I thank the Lord I know what a good wife looks like, because of her.

I have a friend who is just so generous. Despite having little kids that keep her on her toes and constantly busy, she has brought me meals when I’m overwhelmed. She’s prayed for me and called me out when I needed it and encouraged me in really tough times. She’s always there if I need her.

I thank the Lord I know what a good friend looks like, because of her (and many others I’m blessed to know).

My life wouldn’t be the same without these amazing examples in my life. I’m a visual learner, so when I see someone living out the Lord’s love, day in and day out, constant, true–I’M blessed, because I know how I should be.

Your Turn: What kind of examples are you grateful for–do you bless the Lord for–in your own life?