Whether you celebrate Halloween or not, you’ve gotta admit it…dressing up is fun stuff.

Okay, maybe not everyone loves to pretend to be someone else, but I do! Here are some recent examples:

Me as Kaye in The Taffetas, a 50s musical in the style of the Andrews Sisters
Mike and I at a hobo/redneck party. He’s my baby daddy. And yes, I’m slightly embarrassed to post this.
Fierce as Rizzo in Grease. Should I go brunette? 😉
Us at a Wild West Poker Night for church. Don’t worry, no one was harmed by my guns.

So today, I’m blessing the Lord for His sense of humor and the fact that He allows us to have fun in this life. Good, old-fashioned fun. The kind that makes your heart leap for joy and your belly ache from laughter.

Yeah, this life has troubles.

But there’s also lots of fun to be had.

So have a fun October 31, whatever you do!

Your Turn: Do you like to dress up? What is your idea of “fun”?