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Pascal and Chloe after Pascal’s RETURN HOME from the hospital! |
I’m just gonna say it. The last few weeks have been horrible.
Both of my dogs, including my 16-week-old puppy Pascal, got parvo. If you aren’t familiar with the disease, it’s a gastrointestinal virus that essentially kills the stomach lining, meaning dogs vomit blood and often die from dehydration and sepsis.
Yeah. Like I said. Horrible.
Being older, Chloe recovered quickly. But last Sunday (November 4), my husband took Pascal into the emergency clinic. They said if he’d waited any longer, we’d have woken up to a dead dog.
Horrible, horrible time.
That Monday, I thought he was a goner. I had been posting his progress on Facebook, and I wrote that we were preparing to say goodbye to him on Monday. My heart was broken.
But even in the horrible times, God brings blessings.
I am still overwhelmed to think of the support we got from friends and family. All the affirmations of prayers. All the private Facebook messages and texts asking how I was doing. Friends who even brought us meals. I mean, I fully believe our pets are our families, but I never expected that kind of outpouring of support and prayers for a little puppy.
Then, I got it. A lightbulb went off in my head. Der.
All of those people, regardless of whether they were “dog people” or not…they loved ME. They cared about what I cared about. Some knew the pain of watching a beloved pet suffering. Some didn’t, but knew what it meant to me.
The love that rose up around me…I’m still overwhelmed by it. I’m tearing up right now as I write this, because I felt those prayers. Every. Last. One.
It was a horrible, horrible time, but a blessed one.
Because first of all, my puppy survived. I’m so happy to be able to say that he fought his way back to health.
But secondly and almost more importantly, God reminded me how blessed I am.
Thanksgiving is next week, and I’m thankful for so many things: my freedom, my salvation, my home, my job, my education, my writing.
But right now, can I just say…I am so, so, so thankful for YOU, dear friend. The people in our lives (and God, of course) make it worth living.
And my life is soooooo worth living to the fullest, because there are so many AMAZING people in it.
Your Turn: Has there even been a time in your life–even if it was difficult–that God used to remind you of your blessings?
Lindsay, I ached for you as you were going through this trial and rejoiced when I saw the Facebook posts with the good news. Pets are such a part of our hearts, aren't they? So glad your guys are home and happy.
They sure are. Every time I've lost a pet, I've cried desperately. They're family.
I'm so happy your doggies are healthy now. I prayed for them to get well. I know exactly how you feel – being thankful for the kind words and prayers said by others. I went through a difficult time with my Pickles just recently, as you know. I can't tell you what the out pouring of love, prayers, and hugs meant to me. Of course, Pickles is no longer with us, but the hugs from friends will always be in our hearts.
Loree, I felt for you so badly. Pickles was blessed to be loved so much.
I'm so glad your puppies are back home. Pets are the very, very best. You were a faithful example during a really hard time.
I think of it as the retrospect effect 🙂 So many times when I was at my lowest, I felt the love of God in my life through others in such life-changing ways. It may have felt horrible in the moment, but looking back it beauty in the ashes.
You're so right, Lisa. I've seen that in my own life too.
Lindsay, I'm so happy that your babies are healthy again. Thank you for being vulnerable enough to share the journey with us – as painful as it was – because we were able to hold you up in prayer. Community is a good, good thing – especially when it's a community of believers who bring your burdens to the Lord. Can't wait to be a guest here on Wednesday. 🙂
I was so grateful for all of your prayers! And I can't wait to have you here Wednesday. Yay!
Yay, so glad they're okay!!!
Thanks, Jessica. Me too!
So glad those pups are on the mend!! Yes, God has spoken blessings to me many times during the past. During my 3 miscarriages, I heard Him the clearest. It's such a comfort to have a Lord we can fall on!
Jaime, I can't imagine. One of my good friends is going through that right now. 🙁
So glad they're doing better!
Thanks, Julie!
I've lost 2 dogs and I can tell you, my heart was crumbling for you all. I waited every day for news, and would be so thankful at the signs of progress.
I lost a close friend last year over a misunderstanding. She simply went poof. Gone. No phone calls, no nothing. Another friend FB'd me a few months ago to ask what had happened, so I told her. Did anything change? No. Did I hope it would? Yes. As those 2 bestest pals.
I'd told them both I was dealing with depression, and they both walked away.Yeah, bad idea.
Or was it?
The void left by people who refuse to go into to battle with me been filled with people who carry their own weapons and happily shoulder mine when I get tired. And the amusing thing is, the friends I've made who're writers ALL either understand, or truly empathize with, the dark depths of depression and all kinds of other ailments. God is good. His mercy is new every morning.
When 2 friends walk away, He provides a bucket who run toward me.
Alrighty, let's edit BEFORE we click send….
"As those two bestest pals talk everyday".
"… bucket FULL"
I've lost a friend recently too. It hurts. Bad. But you know what? You give it to God, ask for forgiveness if you need it (and in this case, you didn't!), and move on, because like you said…God's given you so many who DO understand. It still hurts, but there's comfort in knowing He's provided others to uphold you and remind you you aren't alone.
I love all the photos you are posting of your puppies — and I am so thankful they are on the mend.
We lost our lab this past winter … and we still shed tears about it.
Yes, we have our puppy, Joe, who makes us laugh on a daily basis. And the "grande dame," Twister, who is 12 years old.
But we stil miss Midas.
So I am thankful you are rejoicing in both your dogs surviving.
I remember when you lost Midas. I cried with you.
I'm so glad you kept us updated on how Pascal and Chloe were doing. I couldn't believe it when you announced Pascal was recovering! Sooo wonderful!
I'm finding so many blessings in each day lately. It's a beautiful season!
I couldn't believe it either, Jill!!
And I'm glad you're finding blessings in the everyday things. That's the coolest.
So glad your puppies are out of the woods! 🙂 I'm super thankful for you, sweet one! You always make me smile–even if it's just a text to say "hi"!
I'm thankful for you too, friend! Your texts always mean the world to me. 🙂 I still think of that huge hug and our silliness at ACFW. I miss you. Waaah.
This is wonderful news! Hooray for recovery! My friend has a Golden and she's talked before about how Parvo is such a serious, life-threatening issue common to that breed. I will pass along the great update to her, too. (You see that? Even someone who doesn't even know who you are or read your blog was really rooting for your puppies, too). 🙂
That just makes me feel even more blessed, Barb!! Thank you. 🙂
Parvo is soooo terrible. We lost a dog to it a long time ago. It took many, many years for me to get brave enough to get another dog. But we have out Titus now…a mini-dashchund…and just love him!
I'm still pretty traumatized from it. Dogs are so special and part of the family!
So glad your pup is back to health, Lindsay!!