Every year on our birthdays, we get teased for “getting old,” right?

And though we laugh at the teasing, sometimes, we actually do hate the fact that we’re hitting certain age marks.

In two years, I’ll be 30. I know, some of you are older and thinking, “Ha, young’un, you just wait!” Others are younger than me, snickering, thinking I’m old.

But seriously. Those decade markers seem to be milestones of some sort. Sometimes I can’t believe how quickly the time has flown by. Sometimes I worry that I haven’t achieved enough for how old I am. That I’ll die before accomplishing anything truly great.

And I’m gonna be honest…that scares me.

But today, on my 28th birthday, I want to think of it differently.


Because life is too short to spend it worrying.

And because several years ago, I was given a great example in embracing another year of life.

I had a great role model in my mom. Many of you know she passed away over 8 years ago. She was only 46 years old.

She’d battled cancer when I was young, and prayed and prayed that God would heal her so my brother and I would know her, that she would get to raise us, to teach us the truth about life.

And He granted that wish. She was in remission for several years and then considered “cured” until her cancer returned at the age of 42.

So when my mom turned 40, do you think she moped around, depressed? No way. She celebrated, because she didn’t think she’d ever see 40 years.

What a perspective change, huh?

I love that my mom had that attitude and engrained it in me: life is precious. Every day we live it. Doesn’t matter if we are 20 or 60. Doesn’t matter if we’ve achieved everything we wanted to or not.

Today is what counts.

So today, when I could be depressed that another year has passed without such and such a thing happening to me–I want to bless the Lord for another year of wonderful, beautiful life.

Another year to serve Him.

To love others.

To work toward a dream.

Another year.

Thank you, Lord.

Your Turn: How do you celebrate your birthdays? I think Mike and I are going out to Grimaldi’s Pizzeria tonight. Yum yum. And there had better be some ice cream involved afterward!

*If you missed my post on The Writers Alley last Friday, it’s not too late to stop in and read all about the tips I learned at My Book Therapy‘s Storycrafters Retreat last month.