Our Christmas tree this year.

From now until Christmas, I’m going to be talking about Christmas traditions. I think it’s awesome how different families do things…well, differently. I’ll share my traditions with you, and you share yours with the rest of us! Deal? Sweet.

When I was growing up, my mom gave my brother and I an ornament every year so that when we moved out, we wouldn’t have to start from scratch. So we had to have somewhere to put all of these kids ornaments in the meantime. Thus, a kids tree.

Because something about my mom…well, she liked things to be pretty. And if our Christmas tree was going to be in the front window for all to see (much better than a leg lamp, dontcha think?), then it needed to be flat-out gorgeous.

And kids ornaments? Yeah, they didn’t really fit the bill.

So, a separate kids tree was born. Mom had her pretty tree in the front room, and we had the kids tree in the family room. It worked really well.

When Mike and I got married, we had this dinky little tree in our apartment that we decorated with those kids ornaments–some from me, some from him (his parents gave him ornaments also!). When we moved into our house a few years ago, we bought a nine-foot tree. And suddenly, I wanted to do something different.

I wanted the pretty tree, like my mom used to have. So I asked my dad for all of my mom’s decorations and he gave them to me. Now, for the past three years, I’ve decorated our tree with her decorations and something about it makes me feel close to her.

In a way, it’s the little thing I do to remember her at Christmas time.

Your Turn: What traditions do you have regarding a Christmas tree? How do you decorate it? Did your parents give you ornaments every year when you were growing up?