Sunday is my 6th wedding anniversary. I’m so blessed to be married to such a wonderful man. Mike is everything I wanted and continue to want in a life partner.

So, upon this momentous occasion, I think it’s finally time to tell the story of my Star Wars wedding reception.

Now, lest you think I was one of those brides who dressed up like a character or something on her wedding day, I assure you, that was not the case. But, for those who know me, I do like to have a little fun now and then. Wink wink.

My husband is a HUGE Star Wars fan. Like, huge. Like, he and his friends used to get together to have “pretend” lightsaber battles. Yeah, he’ll tell you that was like fifteen years ago and he hasn’t done it in forever.

Don’t believe him. The lawyer’s got some lightsabering (totally a word) skills.

On to our wedding reception…I wanted to really do something special to show him how much I appreciated him putting up with all the pink, etc., in our wedding. So, I hatched a plan with his groomsmen.

It was well into our reception–so all the formalities had been done, and we were just dancing and having a blast. The DJ suddenly announces that we all needed to clear the dance floor, because we had a special guest. I held tight to Mike’s hand, pretending like I was confused. *insert evil laughter here*

Everyone is off the dance floor but Mike and I, and out of nowhere, “Darth Vader” (aka, our friend Ryan) appears in cape and mask. The DJ hands him a mic and he does a nice heavy breathing routine, telling Mike he has to fight to get me back. At that point, several “Storm Troopers” (aka, groomsmen in masks) come and take me hostage. I do a nice screaming bit, telling Mike to save me, save me.

I tell you, it wasn’t fun at all. Grin.

We had to figure out how to get Mike a lightsaber, so my brother jumps out from the crowd with one in hand, tells Darth Vader to let me go. Darth Vader wipes him off the map, and my brother throws the lightsaber at Mike, telling him to “avenge him.” Very dramatically, of course.

Then comes the Star Wars battle music.

Mike and Darth Vader begin fighting. Mike’s cracking up at this point, of course, but he knows exactly what to do because–yeah, he’s done this before. Ha.

Eventually, he slays Vader, the Storm Troopers let me go and drag their leader off the stage and out the door, and I run to Mike, crying, “My hero, my hero.” And the audience goes wild with applause.

Yeah. One of the coolest memories ever.

The only thing cooler was that just before all of this, Mike surprised me by singing a very romantic song for me. He’s not really a singer but he knows how much I love his voice.

Romance at its finest.

Your Turn: Did you do anything special or unique at your own wedding? If you aren’t married or can’t think of an example from your own, ever been to a wedding with something fun or unique?

*Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, I’ll be taking a blogging break next week. See you on Monday, November 26, which just happens to be my birthday. I’d love if you’d come celebrate with me.