Today I’m excited to introduce one of my good writing friends, Gabrielle Meyer. I had the privilege of rooming with her not once, but twice–first at the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference in September and then one month later at the My Book Therapy Storycrafters Retreat. She’s the sweetest person ever and I can’t wait to see how God is going to use her in the writing world to change lives! Thanks for being my guest today, Gabe!
I’m an extrovert by nature. I get energized when I’m with other people – and sometimes that’s hard when you’re a writer. Yes, I spend my writing time with a plethora of colorful characters, and sometimes I even talk to them, but writing a book is a very lonely pursuit, and for someone like me, who craves support from like-minded people, it means I need to find fellowship with others to keep my tank full.

For years I felt like a little island when it came to writing Christian Fiction. I only knew a handful of writers in my small community, but they didn’t write Christian Fiction and, for one reason or another, I never connected with them.

Because I flourish in a supportive environment, I didn’t go after my writing dream for a long, long time.

In February of this year I stumbled across something that changed my life forever: the online Christian writing community. I discovered there were hundreds of other writers out there, many of them pursuing the same dream to write stellar Christian Fiction, but the most beautiful thing I discovered is that we all speak the same heart language.

There is nothing like finding a group of Christians who are like-minded, but when they also have a passion to share the Gospel of Christ through the art of storytelling, it’s priceless.

Finding the online Christian writing community has been the best thing for my pursuit to publication. Not only have I made incredible friendships and learned how to be a better writer, I’ve also benefited from their expertise and encouragement (not to mention their connections within the publishing industry!).

If anyone ever asks me for writing advice, the first thing I will tell them is to get involved with the writing community – and the best place to do that is start visiting blogs. Here are some that jump started me in February:

Jody Hedlund, Author:

Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent:

Books & Such Literary Agency:

Steve Laube Literary Agency:

Chip MacGregor Literary Agency:

What I recommend is go to these sites, leave a comment, and then click on all the other people who comment, check out their blogs and leave comments there, too. That’s how I found Lindsay!

Lindsay and Gabe at the ACFW conference in September 2012.

You’d be surprised at what you can learn, and the friendships you can make, all at your fingertips.

What about you? What blogs would you recommend to someone who wants to meet other writers? Has the online writing community helped you on your pursuit to publication?
If you are not a writer, what was something that helped you in your career of choice?

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Gabrielle Meyer lives in Minnesota on the banks of the Mississippi River with her husband and four young children, including two year old twin boys. As an employee of the Minnesota Historical Society for ten years, and the Morrison County Historical Society for two years, she fell in love with the rich history of her state and enjoys writing fictional stories inspired by actual events. Since 2004, she’s written for Minnesota Moments Magazine and she does freelance writing for non-profit organizations. In her “free” time she enjoys volunteering for her church and community and is a big fan of MOPS and AWANA. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter or her blog.