Music is a huge part of my life.

Not only am I a singer, but music is one of my main ways of worshipping the Lord.

When I feel the music moving through me, getting inside of me, working its way into my heart and out through my raised hands, dancing feet, swaying body–I feel nearer to God.

Because music is so important, I thought it would be fun to share with you songs that especially move me. I’ll post a link where you can hear the song, or maybe I’ll post a video of me singing it myself. Then, I’ll tell you why it moves me, what about it strikes me and has stayed with me.

Sound good?

For today’s post, I thought I’d highlight Audrey Assad’s song, “Winter Snow.” I first heard this song last year at a Christmas Eve service and the melody stirs me. But more than that, I love the concept that Jesus could have come to this earth in so many ways to display His awesome glory and power.

But instead, He came as a child. Unobstrusive. Vulnerable.

Sometimes, I don’t get that. Why not sweep in like a hurricane or a forest fire or a tidal wave to show the world WHO HE IS?

But that’s just it.

His ways are different. He doesn’t beat us over the head with His majesty. Instead, He uses it to woo us. Yes, He is powerful. Yes, He is glory itself.

But when the world expected a god to be only those things–hurricanes, fires, waves on the powerful ocean–our God gave us something entirely different.

Doesn’t that just awe and astound you even more?

Your Turn: Have you ever heard this song or anything else by Audrey Assad? I’m really excited because I get to sing it for our church’s annual Festival of Lights production this Christmastime. What’s one of your favorite Christmas songs?