I had high hopes for the month of November.

I was supposed to finish the first draft of my book.

Didn’t happen.

I was supposed to make ahead meals for the whole month of December to alleviate some of the holiday craziness.

Didn’t happen.

I was supposed to get more done for the course I’m teaching online.

Wanna guess what happened? Yeah. It didn’t. That’s what.

I’m a planner. It’s like, ingrained in my DNA to plan and organize. Can’t be helped.

Disorganization? Does. Not. Compute.

But instead of doing all the things I’d planned, the month of November found me

  • Dealing with two very sick puppies and nursing them through parvovirus.
  • Taking on not one, but two freelance editing jobs that fell into my lap.
  • Singing not one, but two duets that I had to learn pretty much from scratch.
  • Throwing a Christmas party for 40 people when I was supposed to have an extra week to plan it.
  • Teaching the same online class I’ve taught several times–but oh yeah, they revised it and that required a bunch of extra work.

I’ve gotta say: there were times I wanted to beat myself up because I didn’t get done what I’d set out to accomplish. I started to feel like a failure, a slacker. Why was I so tired? Why couldn’t I get up at 4 am to write those scenes I desperately needed to write?*

Why couldn’t I just buck up and do it all?

But you know what? Slowly God started changing my attitude, giving me a peace about the unfinished goals, reminding me that I’m not a failure, and that sometimes, He has different plans for us and our time.

I realized…I was essentially like a little kid, flailing and stomping because things hadn’t gone MY way. When, if I looked at the bigger picture, the change in my plans provided me different opportunities than those I’d set out for myself:

  • Getting a glimpse, however small, of what real motherhood might be like someday, and how, when my babies are sick, nothing else really seems to matter.
  • Earning extra money for a writing retreat that fell into my lap.
  • Blessing others with music.
  • Blessing others with a night of food, relaxation, and fun, at a time when more people could attend before the craziness of December kicks in.
  • Improving the quality of my students’ learning experience.

In the end, God’s ways are better.

It doesn’t always seem that way when I’m going through the change, but I do bless His name today for making me more flexible.

I was never a gymnast, so I need lots of help. 😉

Your Turn: How do you react when God changes your plans?

*I’ve gotta say a BIG THANK YOU to my husband and to my critique partner,
Melissa Tagg, for putting up with a lot of whining on my part regarding
this feeling of failure. Their encouragement and support meant the world!