You know those Staples buttons that say “That was easy” when you click them?

Yeah. Maybe on some things, it’d be true.

But anyone who has ever drafted a novel knows…it AIN’T easy.

That’s why I’m so grateful to be able to say that on Friday, I reached THE END on my second novel.

I’m pausing right now for a Snoopy dance

Okay, I’m back.

My original goal had been to finish drafting this book by sometime in October.

Things came up (as I talked about last week). Important things. But I still wanted to finish this draft.

I know, I know, I didn’t have a set deadline from anyone but myself, but I still want to move forward in my writing career. And sometimes I just get so impatient and wish I could sit down and bust out my scenes like *that* and be done super quick.

But it doesn’t work that way.

It’s like that saying about eating an elephant (which is just a horrid mental picture, so I’ll spare you…although now you’re probably thinking it anyway!)…

Anyway, I know that without the prayers of a lot of people and God’s grace, I wouldn’t have completed this book draft. So today, I’m blessing Him for that.

I’m also blessing His name for perseverance in this whole writing path, not just this one task. It takes a lot of stick-to-it-ness to keep going. There have been several times I’ve come to a ledge, wanted to just pack the whole thing up–but I didn’t, not because I’m super amazing, but because God is.

He gave me this gift and He wants me to use it.

And I’m confident that He’ll finish the work He started in me. I love, love, love that it isn’t all up to me!

Your Turn: When has God given you perseverance?

*Photo courtesy of