Every Christmas morning since I can remember, I’ve eaten my mom’s breakfast casserole.

There’s something about it that screams CHRISTMAS MORNING to me. We usually eat it with blueberry muffins…yum yum.

Today I thought I’d share the recipe with you. It works great for brunches too because you make it the night before and just stick it in the oven in the morning. It’s sooooo easy!

My mom would always preheat the oven and pop it in when we started opening presents in the morning, so it was hot and ready to eat when we were finished unwrapping.

Breakfast Casserole

– 1 lb Jimmy Dean Mild Sausage (or similar product)
– 8 pieces toast (I usually use white bread)
– 8 eggs
– 8 oz grated cheddar cheese
– 2 cups milk (I use skim and it works just fine)
– 1 tsp dry mustard
– Salt and pepper, to taste

Brown sausage. Drain off excess grease. Dump into bowl. Cut toast up into little squares and mix into bowl. Mix in eggs, cheese, milk, dry mustard, and salt and pepper. Grease bottom of 9×13 pan and dump mixture in. Cover and set in refrigerator overnight. Place in oven uncovered at 350 degrees for 1 hour or a little longer.

Hope you enjoy. 😉

Your Turn: What do you normally eat on Christmas morning?