Ever had the radio play a song your heart just needed to hear?

Over and over?

Like, every time you got into the car?

It’s as if God is speaking directly to you. It’s awesome. A little scary. So comforting, thinking that the God of the universe knows what I need and how exactly to communicate that to me.

The song, “One Thing Remains” by Kristian Stanfill, was that for me earlier this month.

When I was really tired, and everything wasn’t going according to plan, and I thought my puppy might die, and a friend was going through a really hard time and I didn’t understand why…

God reminded me of the ONE THING that remains, regardless of “the mountains that I face.”

Because His love never gives up on me.

He won’t desert me.

Even when I’m angry, or a pain in the butt because I’m tired, or questioning.


Take a listen. I hope it speaks to you like it did to me.

Your Turn: What song is God using to speak to you recently?