Sometimes, I feel like this guy.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid…for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.”

That’s what God tells us in Deuteronomy 31:6.

Chills, right?

Because I don’t know about you, but I’m running scared a lot of the time.

Like today.

Today, I start a new job. Yeah. Shaking in my boots a little bit. I mean, yes, I have great hopes for this job. I get to telecommute some of the time. I get to do something different–be a copywriter. I get to meet new people.

But that scares me. Because what if I’m horrible?

What if no one likes me?

What if…what if…what if?

And this year, I’m hoping to submit my story to agents, possibly editors. Right now, I’m revising my book and hoping, praying that somehow, it’ll be “good enough.” But if I put it out there, that will either be confirmed or denied.

Sometimes, in my fear, I wonder if it’d be better to hold onto it, because then I don’t risk anything. No rejection. No failure.

Ever feel that way? I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. Sometimes, it SEEMS easier to become complacent. To stay where we are because, well, we at least know more about our current situation. We’ve figured out ways to cope with it.

And what if the future and the new situation actually hold something WORSE than the things that have seemed bad in the here and now?

But again…God tells us…don’t be afraid.

He goes with us.

He won’t leave us.

Yeah, sure, sometimes, He only lights enough of the path ahead for us to see the next step. It scares me to not see farther down the road. I wonder how long it is, and where the potholes are, and whether I’ll walk in circles or actually get somewhere.

But the whole reason isn’t because I lack courage.

He gives me that.

It’s because I haven’t surrendered control. I haven’t trusted enough. I know He’s set me on the BEST path. But I tremble sometimes to take a step.

Today, in faith, I’m taking that next one. And then tomorrow, I’ll take another.

Because as scary as it is to walk in the dark, feeling blind, I know deep down I’m not.

Funny enough, I’m actually walking toward the light.

Your Turn: When had God reminded you to not be afraid?