I’m a list maker.

Yep. Every morning, whether I’m at work or home on a Saturday, I make lists of what I want to accomplish that day.

Of course, I also try to make lists of what I want to accomplish that week. And then I have lists of goals for the month and year too.

I’ve talked before about my tunnel vision. I tend to focus in on something big I want to accomplish, and from then on out, it takes an army to stand in my way. I force my way through any barricades life throws at me. I am Lindsay, hear me roar.

Oh, wait.

Maybe that’s not always a good thing.

Yes, it’s good to fight for our dreams, and to be organized, and to discipline ourselves to do what we said we will…most of the time.

But that tunnel vision can turn into something that’s more harmful than helpful, at least for me.

Because I stop seeing the reason I’m doing it all in the first place.

Case in point: I’m a writer. I want to be published. I want to write full time for a living. Sometimes I can get so narrowed in on that fact alone that I forget WHY I want to write.

It’s not so I can be famous, or receive accolades, or feel good about myself. Ultimately, it’s so people might read my words and draw closer to the One who gave them to me in the first place.

But I often forget about the PEOPLE, and RELATIONSHIPS, and spending time with GOD, which are the reasons life is worth living in the first place.

I love when God reminds me: it’s not all about today. That doesn’t mean I need to live in the future either, unless we’re talking Heaven. I want to be focused on the end game–the end result of a life lived here–not in a morbid way, but in a way that helps me keep a Heavenly perspective, viewing everything in light of what things here mean for eternity.

Who knows how God will use what you’re experiencing and doing today to affect that future?

So, maybe it’s okay to be tunnel visioned…so long as the focus is narrowed in on God.

Your Turn: Are you a list maker? Do you struggle with tunnel vision too?

*Photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net