No, this isn’t where we’re staying. But isn’t it purty?

My husband and I started a tradition on our first anniversary: we always celebrate by spending a night in a hotel somewhere.

We’ve tried to vary the hotels where we stay. Sometimes they’re fancy. Sometimes they’re not. But it’s always nice to get away.

I’m hoping we can keep it up, even once we have kids (foolish thinking?).

Our anniversary is in November, but it’s right before Thanksgiving and my husband usually has trials (he’s an attorney). So this year, we’re celebrating in January. This weekend, in fact, since we both have three-day weekends courtesy of MLK, Jr.

I can’t wait to lay back, splurge, and enjoy our little weekend “away.”

Your Turn: What are you up to this weekend? Do you have Monday off work? If you’re married, how do you celebrate your anniversary?