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Last month, I wrote a post about choosing one word to focus on in 2013. The word I chose was REJOICE.
As I said in that post, I don’t know what 2013 will bring, but I do know that my goal will be to rejoice in all things, even if it’s not what I’d hoped for.
However, I’m happy to report that 2013 is starting off amazingly well…I’ve already got something to truly rejoice over: a new job!
I have loved my job as a curriculum editor at a university, but my job location was going to be moving about 45 minutes to an hour away (one way) in the next month or so. Hello, I’m already too busy as it is. So I prayed for something new.
I’ve been freelancing off and on for a company for nearly two years, and whaddaya know…a copywriter there moved to a new position, and they needed a new one.
I’m blessed enough to be that one!
The best perk of this job is that I’ll be able to telecommute a few days a week. So this will soon be me:
You know, minus the curlers and coffee. And brown hair. And…well, you get the picture.
God has definitely answered the prayer of “more time” in me getting this job. I was really starting to wonder how I was going to fit writing time in with two hours of driving a day.
I’m so thankful that He saw my need and gave me something wonderful to rejoice over so early in the year!
Your Turn: What are you rejoicing over today?
Yay!!! He always makes a way when we ask, right? 🙂 I hope you're enjoying the new job! I'm thankful for coffee this morning and my snuggly bathrobe.
Yaaay for your new job, Linz! Rejoicing with you!
I'm choosing to rejoice about a new workweek. You might say I'm even "embracing" it. Haha. But seriously, the end of last week brought some crazy stuff at work and I'm not all that excited about returning to it this morning. But we can choose to rejoice, can't we. So…that's what I'm doing. 🙂
Congrats!! Rejoicing with you too!
Am rejoicing about teaching Creative Writing this year. Woo hoo!
God is so good.
Congratulations! Excited about the sunshine and all the b-days in my family coming up.
~ Wendy
I'm rejoicing with you! This is such great news, Linds. And I think you should drink coffee, dye your hair brown and roll it for your telecommunications! 😉
Congratulations, LindsAy!!! So happy for you. You can have a cute top on for your telecommunications while wearing pajama bottoms…who'd know? 😉
I'm rejoicing over another God blessing (can't share yet) and for friends who let me rant and vent about job-related paperwork-induced stress!
Rejoicing with you, Lindsay!
Today I am rejoicing about a return to a schedule as my youngest heads back to school after Christmas break. Loved every minute of family and friends … but I'm ready for some normal …
Yeah, go ahead and laugh about what I just wrote!
Awesome news for you, Lindsay! Congrats! Rejoice is also my word for 2013…I think we will have a lot to rejoice about!
Yay, Linds!! So happy for you my friend! Let's see, I'm rejoicing in the lessons I'm learning about motherhood, though they are seldom easy. 🙂 But I rejoice that I get to see changes in the kids as they grow and mature. 🙂
I'm also rejoicing at the thought of getting back into my story. 🙂
Woo-hoo, Lindsay! I remember talking about this in October! So happy you have a new job that will keep you home more. Right now I'm rejoicing about being on the first vacation with just my hubby and me in the past six years. We needed to get away and just be "us" for a while.
Woo-hoo!! I LOVE seeing God at work! And already!! It's only been a few days into the new year–definitely rejoice!
I think you should celebrate with a special new pair of yoga pants just for telecommuting. 🙂
A computer, two dogs and a blond go to work…
YES! I'm so happy for you!!!
Lindsay! Yay! And we get to rejoice with you! I'm so glad for you.
Oh, Lindsay, I'm doing the happy Snoopy dance for you!! How very, very wonderful for you and your family. YAY!!!
Praise God, so happy for you!
I'm rejoicing that I'm alive and my family is safe and healthy. I rejoice that I am a child of God and I rejoice for the challenges we face for they are opportunities for God to shine!
Thank you all for your love and support! I'm very excited about this new opportunity and look forward to seeing how it affects my everyday life. 🙂 Rejoicing with all of you as you see God work in your lives. Love each and every one of you!
Congrats Lindsay!!! This is such great news!! 🙂
Yay! Congrats. I work from home two days a week, and it's such a blessing.
Congrats Lindsay!!! It's amazing how things work out, huh??
Congrats!!! Such awesome news, friend! Rejoicing with you!