I know “What Do I Know of Holy?” by Addison Road isn’t a new song by any means…but it gets me. Every. Time.

Just the whole idea that I think I know so much…and I don’t.

‘Cuz God’s holiness? His love for me? The depth of Him and who He is?

Yeah. I don’t get it, even if I think I do.

These lines? Wow.

What do I know of holy? 
What do I know of wounds that heal my shame
And a God who gives life its name?
What do I know of holy?
Of the One who the angels praise?
All creation knows Your name.
On earth and heaven above,
What do I know of this love?


It’s so much bigger than I can comprehend…but I’m so glad my lack of understanding doesn’t stop me from receiving it.

Your Turn: What song has been on your heart this week?