If you’ve hung around me for any length of time, you know that I’m a singer.

In short, I love music. And I’m pretty much always singing. I hear a phrase and often a song pops into my head–usually from a musical. Am I obsessed? Quite possibly. 🙂

Music has a way of drawing me close to the Lord. It’s often through worship when I find myself at my most vulnerable. For me, it is a deeper connection than any other.

But yesterday as I sat worshiping with hundreds of others in our church service, something else about music stood out to me.

I love harmony.

There is something hauntingly beautiful about two or more voices raised together in worship. There’s something even more gorgeous when those voices are harmonizing.

Perhaps it’s just my trained ear that relishes this sound so much, but I literally ache inside–in a good way–when I hear two voices in perfect harmony. I love it even more when mine is one of those voices.

Because it’s not just about hitting the right notes or blending a sound together. That’s beautiful too, but it’s just…deeper than that.

It’s just like God to create this wonder in nature–harmony–to weave together something that we can’t even fully grasp. What makes two notes harmonious? I don’t know if I could even explain it to you. But we know it when we hear it.

Maybe this is a stretch, but when I hear two or more voices in perfect harmony, it makes me think, “I want me and God to be like these voices.”

Perfectly in tune.

One the melody, paving the way–that’d be God–and one the harmony, following wherever the melody leads.

I love that God speaks to me through music.

I love that He draws me to Himself through music.

But even more, I love that He created harmony, so I know exactly how He and I fit together.

Your Turn: Does music speak to you like it speaks to me? What makes you feel closest to the Lord?

*Photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net