My pastor began a series on Nehemiah this week.

He talked about how Nehemiah heard that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down. Though Jerusalem had been the land of his fathers, he’d never been there.

And yet, he wept and mourned for days over the condition of the Jewish homeland.

Our pastor then asked us…what breaks your heart?

As I sit here, I’m thinking about the things that break mine:

  • Christian friendships that end on a sour note–something Satan so clearly loves.
  • People in need, with no one to care for them.
  • Cancer.
  • Babies losing their lives before they even begin.
  • People living in bondage–physical and spiritual.
  • The widespread belief that has pervaded my own heart before–the one that says because I am going through the fire, God must not care about me.
  • Those who are good people doing good things–and yet basing their beliefs on this idea that you can earn God’s love.
  • Children suffering under the hand of those who would claim to love them.
  • Women being tortured.

It’s enough to depress a person, really. Except, here’s the other thing to consider. If these things truly break our hearts, shouldn’t they move us into action?

Nehemiah didn’t just sit around bemoaning the fact that the walls of Jerusalem lay in shambles. Instead, he did something about it.

Maybe all you can do about some of these things is pray. Maybe it’s to give money. Maybe it’s to actually reach out and physically change the world.

As Christians, we are called to action, whatever that means. God plants causes in each of our hearts–the same thing doesn’t move all of us in the same way. And that’s okay.

Remember too–God is ultimately in control. If He moves your heart in some way, He will equip you.

Your Turn: What moves you?