This is Chloe. She likes garbage.
This is Pascal. He thinks he’s innocent.

I have two dogs, Chloe and Pascal.

Chloe is about 20 months old. She’s a year older than her little brother. They’re both adorable, fun-loving, sweet-as-can-be golden retriever puppies.

And they are obsessed with the trash.

We recently bought a new garbage can that we thought would better contain the garbage, since they can’t seem to stay away from it. Our old can didn’t have a lid and it was just too much of a temptation. We’d have to put it up on the counter every time we left the dogs alone downstairs.

Much to my annoyance, they found a way into the new garbage can.

I’m sick of coming home to find pieces of torn plastic or napkins or food scattered on the floor, on my couch, all over the backyard. Sometimes, the garbage is really gross. Like when my friend and her baby lived with us and they got a diaper. Yeah. Blech.

But to Chloe and Pascal, the garbage is exciting. Intoxicating. They can’t get enough of it, even when it makes them sick. Doesn’t matter. They go back for seconds the next day (if we forget to put the garbage can away again).

I just don’t understand it. I mean, we feed them great, high-quality puppy food and give them fresh water every day.

Now’s where I get spiritual. Yes, about dogs.

Though not so much about dogs, but about what I learn about myself through them.

Because I’ve been the dog. I’ve gone for the garbage. It looked enticing. I didn’t care that it made me sick because I wanted it and it was there and I HAD TO HAVE IT!!!

Even though God has given me amazing food, sometimes, it isn’t enough for me. It looks boring. My appetite isn’t sated. The thrill of what could be in the garbage makes me take the risk without even knowing it.

It’s not until I step back and consider my actions that I realize I’m eating…um, yucky stuff–and that I don’t like it.

My dogs may never learn not to eat the trash, but I’m praying it’s not the same with me. I know God has so much more for me, and I want to have exquisite taste that doesn’t falter at the sight of something shiny.

Your Turn: Any practical tips for keeping dogs–and ourselves–away from the trash?