Have you ever loved doing something?

Like, really loved it? Had a deep passion for it?

Then, you figure out what it will take to get really good at this thing.

You work hard.

And at first, the hard work is glorious. You’re invigorated, because finally you’re following your dream.

But then, after awhile, life finds a way of nudging in at the edges, reminding you that you have other responsibilities. Reminding you that this thing you do is going to take some blood, sweat, and tears to defend.

But you do it. Because you love it.

And you stick with it. And you get better.

But then, you start to become stressed out, because you’re taking forever to get better — or at least to get to where you want to be.

And soon, that “want to be” turns to a “need to be,” because who are you anymore if you don’t become the best you can be at this thing you love?

Except…do you really love it anymore? Or has it simply become another thing that you strive for — and you’ve forgotten why?

Have you forgotten the simple thrill of doing the thing you were made to do?

Where joy once was, now stress and pressure and fear and doubt have taken up residence.

How did you get here, so far from the reasons you started pursuing this thing you love in the first place?

It’s so easy to fall away from that first joy, but you can rediscover it.

Lay off the stress. The pressure. God is leading you where He wants you to go. It may take longer than you’d like to get there, but if it’s the route He wants you to take, He’ll make enough light for the next step. And the next.

Because I’m learning that I’m most alive when I’m doing what I was made to do. But I wasn’t made to stress or have fear or doubt.

Instead, what I was meant to do is “rejoice in the Lord always.”

I find it so interesting that my word for 2013 is rejoice. I thought the Lord gave it to me as a promise of sorts, that there would be much to rejoice about this year.

Instead, I’m thinking it’s a reminder.

To stop.

To focus.

To return to my joy. 

Your Turn: Have you ever allowed yourself to lose sight of your initial joy for something you love? How did you get it back?

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