Recently I watched the Anne of Green Gables series, one of my favorites. Who doesn’t love Anne and all her antics? Besides all that, I relate to Anne’s desire to be a writer.

But one of the best parts of the movie is the romance between Anne and Gilbert Blythe. It’s quite swoon-worthy, I assure you. Of course, I’m partial to the idea of a romance formed from friendship, since I married my best friend (in fact, I guest blogged about it at Melissa Tagg’s site last year).

But I began to think about other reasons I love the romance…and one of them is because Gilbert is such a perfect hero. By “perfect,” I don’t mean he isn’t flawed. I mean he has all the characteristics I like to see in a hero–whether on the screen or in a book.

Some of those characteristics are:

He knows Anne’s faults…and loves her anyway.
There is no question that Anne has a temper. Gilbert sees it firsthand when she breaks a slate over his head just because he calls her Carrots. He also sees she can hold a grudge. For years, she is spiteful toward him and competes against him because of this one incident. But he is able to look past her flaws and see the amazing person she is: she’s intelligent, loyal, and creative, to name a few.

He risks Anne’s anger in order to be honest with her.
I see so many heroes (or leading men, anyway) be big ol’ wusses when it comes to standing up to the heroine. I like a strong hero–not one who walks all over the heroine, but one who can use firmness, gentleness, and honesty to speak truth into her life.

Even though he knows it might upset Anne, Gilbert tells her she should write about people she knows–who speak everyday English instead of “high-falutin’ mumbo-jumbo”–instead of these nonsensical romances she favors. He truly is trying to help and doesn’t just remain silent when she needs a good dose or reality.

He sacrifices for Anne.
A good hero gives up what he wants for the heroine. That is the ultimate love to me–such a picture of what Christ did for us. Gilbert gives up teaching at the school in Avonlea so Anne can have it and live with Marilla, since she cannot manage the farm alone. That means he has to board in another town, which means he has to spend money he is saving for medical school.

He waits for her.
When Anne originally rejects Gilbert’s proposal, he tells her he will wait for her. Again, there’s that hint of sacrifice, since he is willing to be lonely for a time if she needs space.

These are some of my favorite qualities in a hero, and because Gilbert Blythe possesses them all, I find him to be the perfect hero.

Your Turn: What are some of your favorite qualities in a hero, whether it be on TV, in a movie, or in a book? Who is one of your favorite heroes?