This song — “Strangely Dim” by Francesca Battistelli — takes my breath away.

Because it’s the anthem I WANT to be mine.

In fact, my critique partner Melissa Tagg and I have decided it’s our writing theme song, because it so clearly expresses what we want for our lives…especially our writing lives.

Because it’s so easy to get distracted.

To forget why we do what we do.

That’s why the lyrics of this song — which give me an answer for all of that — resonate with me so well. They talk about fixing our eyes on Him and not looking around. When we do, we can forget all the rest. Everything but Him.

I want my life to be so filled with God and His purposes for me — which DON’T include worry, fear, or doubt — that seeking His face is like breathing.

I can’t live or do anything without it.

Your Turn: What song has blessed you this week?