“Waiting for Tomorrow” by Mandisa is — simply put — an anthem of hope and determination.

Makes me wonder…how many times have I said “I’ll do that later”?

Am I waiting for tomorrow to

  • Tell my neighbor about Jesus?
  • Spend time loving — really loving — my husband?
  • Understand the passions that drive me?
  • Invest time in people?
  • Follow my dreams?
  • Take care of my health?
  • Learn that thing I’ve always wanted to learn?
  • Commit my mornings to prayer?

Whatever it is, don’t wait until tomorrow.

Because life…well, it’s happening NOW.

And we’re not guaranteed tomorrow, anyway.

I want to live life with no regrets. And I’m realizing that, for me, that doesn’t always mean I have to go go go.

Sometimes, in my life, it means slowing down.

Savoring the joy.

Kindling a flame.

Watching it grow into something beautiful.

Your Turn: What does living life with no regrets — not waiting for tomorrow — mean to you? 

*Yesterday, I posted about The Art of Not Rushing on the American Christian Fiction Writers Blog. I talk more about this whole slowing down thing, specifically in relation to my writing.