But what made it even yummier was this:
Yes, I drink milk when I eat pizza.
I’ve been told this is “weird.”
Me? I just think it’s delicious.
Your Turn: What food combination is delicious to you but “weird” to others?
*Photos courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net
My son dips EVERYTHING in his line up of sauces; ketchup, b-que sauce and ranch. Everything, even his apples slices and noodles.
Milk AND pizza? Mmmmm. Not.
Ranch dressing on steak. YUM!
LOL that IS weird.
Um, I once ate a tuna sandwich with bbq sauce. Yeah, a little weird. But I love bbq sauce so much that I look for excuses to eat it with weird things. I had a roommate who would dip celery in bbq sauce!
I drink milk with popcorn. I know, weird. Also, I grew up eating peanut butter on apples as a snack. When I took this to my son's class as a snack, some of the teachers at his school thought I was nuts– they had never heard of apples and peanut butter. Also good– apples & Nutella. Strawberries & Nutella. Or just Nutella. 🙂
Uh at home my hubs rarely has pizza without milk.
When I was pregnant with my 4th, I ate applesauce mixes with cottage cheese. There were days it was all I could choke down…
Peanut butter on apples–a staple in my diet, Jennifer. 🙂 I LOVE that combo. I'll admit, the wierdest combo I put together was a mayo and grape jelly sandwich. Um, I only ate it once or twice. 🙂 Nutella–Jennifer, you and I must be cut from the same cloth, at least in some ways. 🙂
I like pretzels and peanut butter. My youngest dips carrots in ketchup.
I used to eat pepperoni pizza topped with Cool Ranch Doritos. Though I haven't had it in a while the memory of it still tastes good. Now my staple snack that everyone calls weird (until they try it) is popcorn with lemon-pepper and Crystal hot sauce. It's deeeeeelicious!