Pascal likes to eat. A lot. But he didn’t always.

Many of you know that my youngest golden retriever, Pascal, got the dreaded parvovirus when he was just four months old.

It was awful. He almost didn’t make it. I will spare you the details, but let me just say, it was some of the worst two weeks of my life!

But he survived and he never looked back.

Once he was home, I started to notice something about him.

He ate…differently. In fact, he was voracious in his hunger. The second I would put the bowl of food in front of him, he’d gobble up every last bit, then turn to his older sister and try to sneak some of her food.

Let me back up.

Before the parvo, he’d eat, but he was easily distracted. He’d nibble a little, then wander around, then go back, eat a little more. But he sometimes wouldn’t finish his food and often didn’t seem too interested in it.

But when he was sick, he basically went about ten days without eating anything.

It wasn’t until he was without food that he learned to appreciate it. And still, to this day, he eats as if every meal might be his last. Like a little hog.

And you know what?

I wanna be like my dog.

Yep, I said it. But not with food (that wouldn’t be too good).

I want to be like that with God’s Word.

I’ve gone through trouble in my own life. When my mom was sick and later died, I’d spend hours in God’s Word and found such great comfort in prayer. I’d journal pages upon pages of prayer.

But that was over eight years ago. And I’m ashamed to admit, I don’t do that anymore.

I don’t know when it happened, or why, but I slowly forgot what that hunger felt like. I got distracted by everything else. Began to drift away from the food. Sometimes, I wouldn’t finish my meal of His Word for the day. Other days, I didn’t eat at all.

But I want to be like Pascal. I don’t want to take the meal for granted. I want to be voracious for each moment I spend in the Word, in prayer.

And I don’t ever, ever want to forget what it was like in those dark days, when God was my only comfort. Because THAT reminds me of His goodness, and His faithfulness…and of how much I desperately need Him.

Your Turn: Do your pets or kids ever do something that totally makes you think about your own life? And how do you keep yourself voracious for His Word?