On Friday, my awesome critique partner and friend, Melissa Tagg, wrote a post about why she loves men — and more importantly, about the fact that heroes don’t just exist in novels, but also in real life.

I thought I’d hop on the bandwagon and brag on my husband a little bit, talking about how he really does have characteristics featured in some of my favorite novels.

#1: Fitzwilliam Darcy in Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice
Aside from being tall and a loyal friend, my husband Mike is extremely generous. Remember how Darcy spent time, money, and energy to locate Lizzie’s sister Lydia and make sure she married Wickham — even when it was pretty clear Lizzie wasn’t ever going to love Darcy? He went above and beyond, am I right?

Mike has gone above and beyond in so many ways to help other people. One way is by suggesting a friend and her baby stay with us for four months while her husband was in training for Border Patrol.

And you know his generous heart makes mine go aflutter.

#2: Peeta Mellark from Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games series
If you’re a Gale fan, I apologize in advance — but I adore Peeta because he loved Katniss so much he was willing to die for her. He sacrificed for her. That is a true hero right there.

While my husband (thankfully) hasn’t had to put his life on the line for me, he has had to die to certain dreams in order to make my dream of being a full-time author come true. And that means more than I could ever, ever say.

#3: Michael Hosea from Francine Rivers’ Redeeming Love
If you have not read this book, get thee to a bookstore, library, or Amazon. Of course, Michael’s character is based on the prophet Hosea, who God commanded to marry a prostitute and keep going back for her — a symbol that God will never give up on His people. In the book, Michael keeps going after Angel, even when she makes it clear she’ll never change and she doesn’t want to.

I’m grateful that my husband keeps coming after me emotionally, even when I shut him out. Even when my emotions don’t make sense and they frustrate him. Even when they have the power to hurt him.

Yes, my husband isn’t perfect — a good fiction hero shouldn’t be either — but he is a hero, nonetheless, and I’m so blessed to have him in my life.

Your Turn: What is your favorite hero trait in a guy, real or imaginary?

*PS: Thanks, Melissa, for letting me take your idea and continue it here!