I think I speak for most people when I say…my heart hurts this week.

With the bombings in Boston at the marathon and other injustices going on in our world, it’s easy to believe that God doesn’t care.

That He is just a Being in the sky who made the world and let it spin.

Or even…that He doesn’t exist.

Here’s the thing. I don’t know why God allowed the bombings. I don’t know why He allows bad things to happen to innocents, except so we see the darkness of our world and are drawn to Him — the light.

But I do know this.

He is so much bigger than we can imagine.

And even though evil may seem to have an upper hand, its “reign” is temporary.

God will overcome.

He is greater, stronger, more powerful than we know.

That’s why I love Chris Tomlin‘s “Our God.” It reminds me that God is in control.

And that I’m so, so, SO glad that I’m not.

Your Turn: What attribute of God has meant the most to you lately?