Last week, I was asked to sing a song with the choir at church.

I love singing. I do. But I’ll admit, there are times it’s easier to worship than others. I love the song we sang, but was all nervous about the timing of my entrance. Worried I’d confuse the lyrics.

Bottom line: I was focused on me.

On how I would appear to the crowd.

On whether I would mess up.

If I looked at my heart, I knew that ultimately, what I wanted was for people listening to hear GOD. To hear the lyrics and have hope. To forget about me and focus on Him.

But I had to get out of the way first.

Coincidentally — NOT! — the day before, I’d heard “Steal My Show” by TobyMac on the radio. It talks about how smoke and lights aren’t enough to put on a good show. God needs to be there, and not just there, but at the very center.

So there I was backstage, and I literally prayed, “God, steal this show. Make it about you.”

And instead of focusing on myself and worrying about messing up, He helped me focus on Him. On the hope I had in Him. And He helped me communicate that, much better than I could on my own.

Thing is, even if you’re not a performer, chances are you worry about something.

  • Appearing to be the perfect mom.
  • Appearing to be the perfect writer.
  • Appearing to be the perfect wife.
  • Appearing to be ________.

What if, instead of worrying about all that, you were to ask God to come in and steal the show that is your life?

Take a listen to this awesome song and be encouraged. Let Him come in and steal the show.

TobyMac – Steal My Show (Official Lyric Video) from tobymac on GodTube.

Your Turn: How are you praying God steals the show in your life?

*Photo courtesy of