For those who are new here, I chose one word to focus on for 2013: rejoice!

The last few months have been somewhat difficult for me. Due to a variety of reasons (life!), I haven’t been able to focus on my writing the way I’ve wanted to (it’s my dream to become a published author).

I entered a few contests in the hopes that the feedback would show I’ve improved since last year, but I really had no clue what to hope for. My awesome critique partner, Melissa Tagg, kept telling me to hope, but I just felt…worn down. Discouraged.

It seemed everyone else was moving along much more quickly than me, and able to spend more time focused on writing than I was.

I started to compare myself to others. And that’s never EVER a good place to be.

I’m realizing more and more that God has His own special path for each one of us. And that path is perfect.

On Monday, I received awesome news: I semi-finaled in one of the contests, the ACFW Genesis.

It’s always amazing to me that God knows just how to encourage us when we’re down. In this one event, this one moment, He affirmed for me that I was doing exactly what He wanted me to. That I was being obedient to slow down and that I needed to have patience as He walked me down this road.

I know that there were those who were disappointed in their results*, and I know what that’s like too. Yet even in disappointment, God is good.

And He can still use those things to affirm our obedience to Him. 

As for me, I plan to pick up my proverbial pen…and keep writing. His encouragement gives me the strength to do it.

Your Turn: What has God used in your life to encourage you in the past?

*It is not my intention at all to appear to be bragging here, or to receive congratulations. I give God all the glory for this achievement. I know I wouldn’t be anywhere without Him. I only hoped to share some of my heart along this journey.