January 1, I joined Weight Watchers, determined to lose a little weight and get healthy.

Of course, that included heading to the gym. I’ve been an intermittent gym-goer for several years, even with times of great persistence thrown in there. But nothing’s ever stuck.

Toward the middle of March, my husband and I decided to try out personal training in hopes it would motivate us to go to the gym more. You know, because we didn’t want to waste the money?

Here’s a brief look at some of my diary entries…well, as they would have been if I’d written my thoughts down.

April 3, 2013: Feeling great. I have my first personal training session tonight. In preparation, I’ve even been working out a few times this week. Woot!

April 4, 2013: I can barely move my arms to write this. First personal training session was great, but I learned I’ll have to work out five times a week for an hour each in order to reach my goals. And here I thought my three times a week for 30 minutes each was a lot!

April 5, 2013: Excited to hit the gym and apply what I’ve learned.

April 10, 2013: Been successful this week. Lost some weight and going strong.

April 17, 2013: Ugh. The gym smells and I’d much rather stay here in my bed. Alarm? What alarm? I don’t hear an alarm…

April 18, 2013: I have to do better today. Yesterday I didn’t hit the gym at all. But I’m so tired this morning. I’ll just go at lunch. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.

April 19, 2013: I’m suuuuuuch a failure. I’ll never get this right. Yesterday at lunch, not only did I eat leftover pizza, I didn’t go to the gym like I promised myself I would. Laura Frantz’s “Courting Morrow Little” just sounded soooo much better than lifting weights.

April 21, 2013: Okay, time to lift myself out of this pity party and just. do. it.

April 23, 2013: Forced myself to hit the gym this morning. Hated getting up at 5:30. Way too early, but I felt great leaving.

April 24, 2013: My trainer said I need to be consistent to see results. Yeah, yeah, I know…but the thought of all that work makes me wanna whine and quit.

April 30, 2013: I hit four times this week. Go me! I think some ice cream is in order to celebrate!

May 7, 2013: My grandparents were in town last weekend so we ate out and I didn’t have time for the gym so I gained weight. I’m never going to win.

May 8, 2013: It’s a new week so I just need to focus on that! Maybe meal planning will help. Maybe some accountability will help.

May 15, 2013: Yes! This week was great. I went to the gym five times so far and kind of missed it when I didn’t go. That’s victory right there.

After seven weeks of trying to lose weight, I’m starting to understand something. First, that habits are not formed easily.

And second, there will be times I’m not going to make my goal. But I can’t beat myself up about the times I don’t. That doesn’t do anything but discourage me.

The bigger question is what WILL I do about it? How can I focus on making TODAY great? This week? This month? It’s tempting to look so far into the future and start hyperventilating because I’ll never be able to accomplish everything I want to in the time I want to. I start worrying that I’ll never lose weight or I’ll never get truly healthy or I’ll never…whatever.

But that’s not how God wants me to live my life: with fear of defeat.

Instead, He wants me to face that fear, stare it down, and take things one day at a time. 

Your Turn: This same principle can apply to so many areas of our lives. How does it apply in yours?

*Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net