I don’t know about you, but I love songs that convict me.

I love that they make me think, sometimes in a way that I never would have thought of something before.

Love that they require some sort of response from me.

Love that, with God, nothing is impossible — and He can turn that conviction into a blessing that brings me closer to Him.

That’s the kind of song “Hanging On” by Britt Nicole (see below) is for me. It talks about how the Bible is essentially life for us and we should hang on every word of it — because it’s from God.

Have you ever stopped and really thought about that? The Bible is a letter from God to you.


I know I definitely don’t have enough awe, reverence, or devotion to God’s Word.

But I want to.

And that is a start. God can use that desire and grow it into whatever He wants to.

Your Turn: What song has convicted you at some point? 

Here’s Britt’s song: