God is so big.

I often forget just how big — mostly because I’m worried about my own little life right here, right now.

But when I get out in nature, and feel the immensity of the ocean, and the height of the mountains — reaching beyond the clouds, beyond my view — I cannot help but be in awe.

And not just because He created these wonders.

But because He also spent time creating me.

His creations are precious to Him. Even me. Even you.

Especially me. Especially you.

No worship song is as appropriate to express the awe I feel at God and His power and creation than “How Great Thou Art.” I love this version by Carrie Underwood and Vince Gill. It’s just…wow. Have a listen and tell me you didn’t cry. 😉

Your Turn: How does the immensity of nature draw you closer to God? What does it do for your spirit?