Last Sunday, one of our Sunday School mentors talked about idols.

And no, not statues of Buddha or Krishna or other gods. Other idols in our lives: money, a home, a car, TV, marriage, etc.

Basically, anything that we’re depending on for happiness or security — instead of depending on God.

As he talked, an image of my idol — one I’ve tried hard to leave behind, but that keeps finding it’s way onto my shelf — appeared in my mind.

For me, it’s recognition.

I’ve struggled my whole life with wanting to be the best. With wanting affirmation from others. Because if I get affirmation from others, that means I’m a good person, and I’m worthy, right?


Interestingly, I thought about a writing contest I’d entered. One that I was awaiting results on that very weekend. A major contest that would affirm what I was doing. That would tell me I’m worthy.

In that moment, God asked me to lay down my desire to final in that contest. For a second, I struggled…because what did it mean if I didn’t final?

Then, when I finally said, “Your will, God,” I felt such peace about it flow through me. What a blessing.

An even bigger blessing came not three hours later when I received a phone call informing me that I had in fact finaled in the contest. I was floored…not only that I had finaled, but that God’s timing was perfect.

If I’d gotten the call before I’d surrendered to God’s will, the effect on my heart would have been very different, I know.

I’m so grateful to him for everything I have, and I’m learning — one contest, one book, one DAY at a time — to trust in HIM for my identity. Because it’s not what I do or how I’m recognized that matters.

All that matters is how HE sees me.

And that’s enough.

Your Turn: What idols have you struggled with in the past? If you don’t want to get personal, what idols do you see society in general struggling with?

* I’m taking a weeklong break from blogging, since next week I’ll be visiting some good friends for a writing retreat in Minnesota! But the blog will be back next Friday (6/28) with a guest post from my lovely friend, Ashley Clark. I just know you’ll be blessed.

**Photo courtesy of