If I go days and days without relaxation, I’ll go crazy. (So yeah, a lot of times, I go crazy.)

What’s the most relaxing thing you can think of?

Maybe a little of this?

Or this?

Or maybe this?

Or perhaps this?

I love to read and I love to watch movies. But if I want to truly relax, it means clearing my mind. So if I had to choose ONE thing to do in order to let the tension out of my shoulders and take in the beauty around me — to really reflect — I’d have to say nothing does that better for me than listening to the Pride & Prejudice soundtrack while I sit outside (when it’s cool) or take a bubble bath.

What about you? How do you relax? When can you make time for this in the next week (even if for a short amount of time)?

*Photos courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net