This will be me and Mike this week. Except not really. Because we don’t watch scary movies, and my husband doesn’t get scared. I just thought this was a funny picture!

A few months ago, Mike and I were pretty weary. And August — when we are taking our weeklong vacation together — seemed forever away.

So we looked on the calendar and discovered we both had a four-day weekend over July 4.


Instead of planning a trip somewhere, we decided to stay home. Oh, and take the entire weekend and not make a single plan other than to do family stuff on the actual Fourth of July.

But the rest of this weekend…open!

No plans with anyone.

No schedule to stick to.

Nothing we have to accomplish.

In other words…heaven.

I’m hoping to read, watch movies, sleep in, and just do some all-around relaxing. But I don’t have any obligations, and that feels flat-out lovely.

Your Turn: What would you do for a staycation?

*Photo courtesy of