I don’t want to write this blog post, because it means admitting something I don’t like about myself.

I guess I’ll start there.

Does this scenario seem familiar to anyone?

Man: Aw, honey, you look beautiful tonight.

Woman: (shrugs) I guess. Thanks.

I’ve been this woman far too many times (with my husband as the man — not multiple men!). And it doesn’t have to be about outer beauty either. Friends and family give us compliments: you’re so smart, you’re such a good writer, you’ve got such a sweet spirit, etc. etc.

The compliments are heart-felt — so why do we have such a hard time accepting them?

For me, it’s often because I don’t believe what the person says is true.

It’s not necessarily that we don’t believe the person meant it — just that the person is misguided.

Or, if we dig deeper, maybe we really think the person doesn’t know what he/she is talking about. Or he/she has a flawed view.

The ironic thing here — for me, anyway — is that I often deflect compliments because of my low self-esteem, but the rejection often is guided by pride, at its core.

Because who am I to tell my husband I’m not beautiful? Is his view of beauty flawed because I see the flaws in myself?

And who am I to tell my friend that the thing she appreciates in me isn’t really that great?

Isn’t that prideful?

Furthermore, bottom line is that when we say we aren’t this or that, we are rejecting not only the compliments someone else is giving us, but denying the gifts or beauty our Creator has bestowed upon us.

Ugh. Don’t know about you, but that realization just came down and slapped me in the face.

I want to become someone who can accept compliments — not because I want to hear accolades or because I need/want my ego stroked. Instead, I want to graciously thank people who see things in me that I can’t see in myself.

Things the Creator put there. Because we are His creation, and we are fearfully and wonderfully made, knit together with loving hands.

And when people are complimenting us, they are really complimenting Him in us.

Your Turn: Ever had a hard time accepting compliments? I’d love to hear your thoughts on why it’s so hard for people to accept the nice things said about them!

*On Wednesday, I’ve got a real treat! Debut author Karen Barnett will be here answering a few questions about her new historical novel, Mistaken!

**Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net