I can hardly believe it’s August already.

Soon, it will be fall! Cooler weather (amen!), walks outside, the holidays…it’s all quickly approaching.

Time seems to fly by faster and faster. That’s one reason I’ve decided to take a blogging break for the rest of August. I need some time to breathe. Time to rest. More time to spend with loved ones.

And I’ve found that when I rest, I come back to something refreshed and much more ready to do an amazing job.

Not only that, but during the month of August, I’ve got a lot going on:

  • A friend is visiting and staying with us for a week.
  • I’m finishing revisions on my book!
  • We are going on a week-long vacation to California.
  • I’m preparing for a writing conference I’ll be attending in less than six weeks (which, yes, will include some clothes shopping!).
  • I’m guest posting on a few blogs (so you may actually see a few surprise posts alerting you when they happen!)

August is going to be amazing! I’ll miss interacting with you here but will be on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest — so don’t be shy!

Your Turn: What does your August hold?

*Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net