I’ll admit it.

Sometimes, stress and fear get the best of me.

Sometimes, the reason for the fear is based on circumstances. Like an unexpected bill that makes me wonder, “How are we going to pay for this?”

Sometimes, it’s based on my own personal doubts about myself. Like when I’ve got my work submitted to literary agents and editors. Oh, how I can drive myself bananas with wondering if they’ve read it yet and what they’re thinking…and worrying that I won’t measure up.

Sometimes, my fear is simply based on the fact that the future is unknown…which basically boils down to ME not being in control.

Lately, I’ve experienced fear for all three of the reasons mentioned. But I know that God has not given us a spirit of fear. He tells us over and over again not to fear. But it’s one thing to KNOW God says that and another to actually DO it. I mean, isn’t it often true that when someone tells us NOT to think about something (e.g., Don’t think about a blue elephant.), that’s exactly what we think of?

Thankfully, God never commands us to do something that He doesn’t give us the power to do (with His help, of course).

This week, I read through Jesus Calling, a daily devotional. So many of the messages in that book are exactly what I need to hear. Some lines that popped out at me this week:

  • “Pour all of your energy into trusting Me.”
  • “Since I am your strength, I can empower you to handle each task as it comes.”
  • “Relax in my everlasting arms. Your weakness is an opportunity to grow strong in awareness of My Almighty Presence.”
  • “The human mind is the pinnacle of My creation, but so few use it for its primary purpose–knowing Me.”

I love how each of these quotes leads me back to Him. They challenge me to know Him more. If I’m spending daily time in His word, praying to Him, learning more of His heart, then that means I trust Him more.

Trusting Him more means I focus on Him instead of my fears.

It means that, instead of looking at the road looming ahead of me as a scary unknown, I picture it as a windy autumn road–even though I don’t know what lies ahead, I trust that it will be beautiful, because it’s the path He ordained for me.

 Your Turn: How do you battle fear of the unknown?

*Photos courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net

A few notes: