When I received my copy of Jody Hedlund‘s latest, Rebellious Heart, I was eager to dig in. I’ve enjoyed her past novels immensely.

She writes inspirational historical romance. I love how each of her books takes me back to another time in history and provides sigh-worthy moments between the hero and heroine.

This book did not disappoint.

But this book also really got me thinking (not that her others didn’t!). You see, it is based loosely on the courtship of John and Abigail Adams (yes, as in the second President of the United States and his First Lady). It takes place several years before the Revolutionary War. The two main characters are dealing with an oppressive government and wrestle with whether it is okay to disobey an earthly authority when that authority seems to go against rights endowed by the Creator.

The preponderance of these issues is not new to me — after all, just think about Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights movement — but something in Jody’s book really struck a chord with me.

Now, I’ve very blessed that on a daily basis, I don’t have to choose between following the laws set before me and doing what is right before the Lord. Of course there are some laws I don’t agree with in our country, but none that really affect how I live my life day in and day out (as in, I don’t have to make a choice between the the two).

And yet still, Jody’s book got me thinking. And there’s a theme that’s very, very relevant to my life.

At one point in the book, a character says, “No matter what happens in the days to come…you can’t let fear take hold and stop you from doing the right thing.” 

That quote challenged me. Because how many times do I do just that…let fear control me? Stop me from speaking up when I should? Cause me to speak when I should be quiet and trust in the Lord?

God has set a path before me — one that requires me to put all of my faith in Him — and to be honest, the lack of control is often scary. I’m so grateful I have a God who is trustworthy, who is able to keep my fear at bay, who gives me courage.

Because even today, even in the little things, I can be brave.

GIVEAWAY DETAILS: Jody has graciously offered to give away a copy of Rebellious Heart to one commenter. Please leave a comment (and your email!) by Saturday, September 14 at midnight and I’ll notify the winner next week. Please note that only those in the U.S. can qualify for this prize.

Your Turn: How can you be brave in your own life? And are you looking forward to reading Jody’s latest?!

Jody Hedlund is an award-winning and bestselling author of inspirational historical romances. As a busy mama-writer, she has the wonderful privilege of teaching her crew of 5 children at home. In between grading math papers and giving spelling tests, she occasionally does a load of laundry and washes dishes. When she’s not busy being a mama, you can find her in front of her laptop working on another of her page-turning stories. She loves reading almost as much as she loves writing, especially when it also involves chocolate and coffee.