Sometimes in life, there are those people you just connect with instantly.

Author Melissa Tagg is one of those people for me. When we became craft partners over a year ago, we hadn’t even met in person. Since that time, we’ve seen each other several times, and our connection can only be described as God-given.

Melissa’s first book, Made to Last, just released September 15 from Bethany House Publishers, and I couldn’t be more excited for my friend. To celebrate, we chatted over Google Hangouts and played a game of “Would You Rather” with her three main characters: Miranda, Matthew, and Blaze.

In the video, Melissa gives a quick overview of her story and the three main characters. We hope you enjoy! And don’t forget to play along and see the details below to enter the giveaway for a copy of Melissa’s book AND a $25 gift card.

Thanks for hanging out with me, Melissa!!

Miranda Woodruff has it all. At least, that’s how it looks when she’s starring in her homebuilding television show, From the Ground Up. So when her network begins to talk about making cuts, she’ll do anything to boost ratings and save her show–even if it means pretending to be married to a man who’s definitely not the fiance who ran out on her three years ago.

When a handsome reporter starts shadowing Miranda’s every move, all his digging into her personal life brings him a little too close to the truth–and to her. Can the girl whose entire identity is wrapped up in her on-screen persona finally find the nerve to set the record straight? And if she does, will the life she’s built come crashing down just as she’s found a love to last?
GIVEAWAY DETAILS: We are giving away a copy of Melissa’s book to one lucky winner. And if that wasn’t an awesome enough prize, the winner will also receive his or her choice of a $25 gift card to Home Depot, Lowe’s, Hobby Lobby, or Michael’s!

Use the Rafflecopter box below to enter by

  • Liking Melissa’s Facebook page
  • Liking my Facebook author page
  • Tweeting about the giveaway
  • Sharing about the giveaway via Facebook
  • Leaving a blog comment below

The contest is open to U.S. residents only and will close at midnight on October 20.

Your Turn: Would you rather go way back in time and meet your ancestors or go way into the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren? Why? (Or you can answer any of the other questions we asked in the game!)
a Rafflecopter giveaway