Lately, I’ve been feeling a little down. I have my reasons, but suffice it to say that I’ve been discontent with some things in my life.

But I’ve also been reading Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts. Amazing book! Seriously. Her prose is exquisite. Plus, it has been teaching me a lot about gratitude.

I’ll probably write another post about how this book has challenged me, but for now, I’m choosing to focus on the great things in my life. Because I’m blessed to have many.

So here’s a little glimpse at some of the joys of my life lately (in addition to the obvious things like awesome friends and family, etc.):

New reads
I’ve got some great books in my To Be Read pile, like Rachel Hauck’s latest release, Princess Ever After! I’m so looking forward to digging in, enjoying the journey, and learning from the greats.

New habits
I’m trying really hard to change my eating habits. That doesn’t mean I don’t fall off the wagon occasionally (especially when I don’t feel good!), but I’ve been trying to eat more “real food” — aka, food without artificial preservatives, dyes, etc. — and make more food from scratch. A few weeks ago, we had homemade pizza (complete with homemade dough) and it was one of the best pizzas I’ve ever eaten! Yum!!

Lots of musicals!
Mike and I got season tickets to see four different shows at Gammage, our local theater that produces really great Broadway-style shows. Just this weekend, we saw Wizard of Oz and it was wonderful. The little dog that played Toto stole the show.

Cute puppies
My puppies Chloe and Pascal always keep me laughing. Pascal fell asleep like this last week and it was adorable!

Revisions and a retreat
I’m working on revisions for my book, The Song Inside. It’s going to take a lot of work and butt-in-chair time, but I’ve already got the first three chapters rewritten. That’s something, right?

And at the end of this month, I get to go to Florida for a writing retreat (the picture above is me and a few friends at the retreat last year). It’s just what I need to get recharged! I plan to soak up the sun (if there is any this year!) and as much knowledge as I can from some women who have played a huge role in my writing life.

Your Turn: What’s going on in your neck of the woods? What are you grateful for today?