I’m so incredibly blessed to have amazing friends. Truly. I don’t deserve such blessing!

One of my best friends happens to be a writer I met online. Crazy, isn’t it? Melissa Tagg and I became critique and craft partners nearly two years ago, even though we’d never met in person. She lives in Iowa. I live in Arizona.

But I truly believe God gave us to each other! She is one of the coolest girls I know, and I’m so blessed by not only her writing expertise but her friendship, accountability, and the truth she speaks into my life over and over again.

Melissa came out for a visit this last weekend — and we had so much fun! We did a little brainstorming, but mostly, we spent time relaxing, taking walks/hikes, sitting around in the sunshine, playing with my dogs, watching Boy Meets World (best show ever!), meeting up with other writers, and having deep conversations about our faith and our writing.

It was an amazing weekend! We also both got revitalized and plan to hit our writing/revisions hard this week. We’d love your prayers as we head toward our deadlines.

Here are a few pictures from our awesome weekend!

Melissa and I (middle and right) got to meet up with Texas author Anne Mateer!
We also had a fun dinner with author Tari Faris to celebrate this last year’s
writing accomplishments!
The amazing white chocolate brownie we ate after dinner. Yum!
I introduced Melissa to Grimaldi’s pizza. Mmm. Interestingly, the former baseball
coach Tommy Lasorda sat at the table next to us! 
Being from Iowa, where it’s cold right now, Melissa enjoyed sitting in the sun. A lot.  
My dogs hung out with us most of the weekend! So of course I had to post a cute picture
of Pascal. 😉

Your Turn: What did you do this weekend? Happy St. Patrick’s Day!