
Hey all. Sorry I haven’t been around the blog much lately. Life has been, shall I say, a bit CRAZY lately. A good crazy. Just crazy.

Here’s what I’ve been up to…

With the help of some good friends, we threw my husband Mike a surprise party for his 30th birthday. We did a “leaving the roaring 20s” theme. People dressed up, and we had lots of food, drinks, and gambling. Fun was had by all. Here are a few pictures:

Fun decor for the party!
Mike, me, and our friends Rachel and Jon, who hosted the party.

 Also, Mike and I visited my grandparents in south Texas. It was a nice trip — and relaxing!

My grandpa and I by the Rio Grande. Mexico is in the background.

In the world of writing, I sent my book draft off to a few critique partners. I’m racing toward a June 1 deadline to get the book to my agent. Here’s hoping — and praying — it’s almost ready to send into the hands of editors soon after that!

Your Turn: What have you been up to lately? I’ve missed you all!!