We all have moments in our life that mesmerize us with wonder and bring us in awe of God.

For me, some stand out distinctly:

Like the time I was missing my family while on a study abroad trip to Europe — and then, as I stood a hill overlooking the Irish Sea, I felt a strong breeze ripple against my skin out of nowhere, assuring me I was not, in fact, alone.

Or the day we lowered my mother into the ground after a four-year battle with cancer — and somehow, in spite of the sorrow, I sensed an overwhelming joy. Because I knew I’d see her again.

Then there was the time I sat beside a bubbling brook in Oak Creek Canyon and glimpsed the artist’s soul of our Maker.

Or the unforgettable moment when I sang to my son seconds after birth and watched him turn his head in recognition of my voice.

As I think about these moments, they all point to one thing — God showing me his love. God revealing his presence. God reminding me that He will never leave me or forsake me. In a dark world, I have these moments of light to cling to.

When the pain gets too hard,

the journey too long,

the climb too steep,

I know this:

that the God of the Universe cares about me. He sent His son to die for me. He walks with me every step of the way. Every aching step. Every joyful step. And every step in between.

But so often, I allow my busy life to consume those moments, to place them in a closet within my heart and collect dust. To forget about them.

I don’t want that for my life. I’m guessing you don’t want it for yours.

May we never stop meditating on God’s grace, His love, His faithfulness, His goodness, His righteousness, His creativity, His blessings, His mercy.

Oh God, may we never lose the wonder of You.

And help us, Lord, to find You in the everyday things. I want those things to fill me with wonder too.

Your Turn: When was a moment that filled you with wonder?