I’m a planner. I like to know what to expect.
But sometimes, the best things in life are unexpected.
A few weeks ago (okay, March 13 to be exact…), I received an email from my agent. She told me she’d like to chat because I was being offered a contract for one of my books.
I mean…it was the email I’d been dreaming about. I always thought I’d have some clue that it was coming. But it definitely took me by surprise.
I won’t bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that I’m THRILLED to have my first publishing contract. I’m so excited to work with Ashberry Lane to release a book that’s near and dear to my heart. Come December 1, 2016, people will actually get to read my book.
Of course, I’m also terrified. Just being honest. Because that means that people will be reading. my. book. Ahhhh!!! (Okay, mini freakout over.)
But seriously. I’m so thankful for all the people who have supported me and helped make this dream become reality. And I thought it’d be fun to celebrate with a little giveaway!
Here’s how it works. Sign up for my mailing list below by April 30 and I’ll randomly draw one subscriber to receive a $15 Amazon gift card. (And don’t worry — I’ll never give your information to anyone else and I won’t send you a bunch of spammy emails!)
Thanks for celebrating with me. I can’t wait for you to meet the characters who have been part of my life for so long.

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