Late last year, I saw several of my friends posting about the book Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist. Okay, not just posting. RAVING.
I’m friends with a lot of writers and readers, so I see book recommendations come across my social media feed quite frequently. Still, I decided to give this book a try. I asked for it for my birthday and my husband gave it to me.
And let me say, it lived up to the hype.
I have read this book in chunks, a little at a time. It has changed my thinking in so many ways. Its subtitle is “Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living,” but it’s really about so much more than that.
Every time I read a section, I underline like crazy (those of you who don’t believe in marking up books, avert your eyes!!). Then I write the underlined words in my journal, to cement them in my mind.
Like these: “When I practice silence for just a few minutes, when I practice allowing myself to be seen and loved by the God who created me from dust, I start to carry an inner stillness with me back into the noise, like a secret. There’s a quiet place inside me that I bring with me, and when I start to feel the questions, the fear, the chaos, I locate that quiet, that stillness, that grounded place.”
I have always lived a busy life. Go, go, go. That’s just me. Except, what if it’s not? Or what if it doesn’t have to be? What if I spent my time instead pursuing things I’m passionate about, things that really matter to me? What if I gave priority to God, to family, to friendships, to my writing? How vastly different could my life be if I made space in it for those things?
The book is also largely about expectations, and how we seriously need to fling them off if we’re ever going to live a peaceful life. That’s hard for a perfectionist like me. But as the title suggests, I’d rather be PRESENT in this life than PERFECT. Perfection is overrated. It’s unrealistic and a nonexistent ideal, to be honest. It’s unattainable.
And yet, I’ve lived my life as if it was attainable.
This life-changing book has been a vessel of hope and light in my world. God has used Shauna’s words to reach me and teach me, and I’ll be forever grateful.
YOUR TURN: What life-changing book have you read lately?
I look forward to reading your stories. The best book I have read lately is a new one by Cynthia Ruchti. A Fragile Hope. That story will stay with me forever.
Thanks for chiming in! I haven’t read that one but have heard AMAZING things about it. I’ll have to add it to my TBR list. Thanks for the suggestion.
Sensible Shoes by Sharon Garlough Brown was one. We are now reading it in our Singles Women’s Bible Talk.
I haven’t read that one! I’ll go check it out. 🙂