Back in January, I signed a two-book contract with Thomas Nelson. Needless to say, I was thrilled (understatement of the year!).
The first novel, The Heart Between Us, releases in March of 2018. A month or so ago, I got to see the cover that the team at Thomas Nelson created for it.
But I had to keep it a secret. Bah!! So hard.
I’ve finally been given the go-ahead to share it. I’m in love and I hope you’ll love it to.
So without further ado…
Don’t you just LOOOOOOOVE it? The team did a fabulous job capturing the…well, heart of the story. Plus it obviously incorporates the travel motif, which is part of what made this book so fun to write.
This isn’t the official back cover copy, but here’s a little blurb to tell you a little about the book:
Megan Jacobs always wished for a different heart. Her entire childhood was spent in and out of hospitals, sitting on the sidelines while her twin sister Crystal played all the sports, got all the guys, and had all the fun. But even a heart transplant three years ago wasn’t enough to propel Megan’s life forward. She’s still working as a library aide and living with her parents in her small Minnesota hometown, dreaming of the adventure she plans to take “once she’s well enough.” Meanwhile, her sister is a successful architect with a handsome husband and the perfect life—or so Megan thinks.
When her heart donor’s parents give Megan their teenage daughter’s journal—complete with an unfulfilled bucket list—Megan connects with the girl she meets between the pages and is inspired to venture out and check off each item. Caleb—a friend from her years in and out of the hospital—reenters her life and pushes her to find the courage to take the leap and begin her journey. She’s thrown for a loop when Crystal offers to join her for reasons of her own, but she welcomes the company and the opportunity to mend their tenuous relationship.
As Megan and Crystal check items off the bucket list, Megan fights the fears that have been instilled in her after a lifetime of illness. She must choose between safety and adventure and learn to embrace the heart she’s been given so that she can finally share it with the people she loves most.
Tell me what you think in the comments!!
I love the cover and I am intrigued by your blurb! March can’t come soon enough!
Yay! So glad others like it as much as I do. 🙂
Sounds wonderful, Lindsay! I love the story–and the cover! Excited for this to come out so I can read it. 🙂
Thanks, Kiersti! I hope you enjoy it…now to wait till 2018. Ha.
I can hardly wait to read it. Sounds very interesting. Best Wishes
Thanks, Mary Jane!
So excited for you!!
I’m excited too! Thanks for all of your support and teaching over the years. Muah!
Love the premise of the book! Intriguing and I imagine it would make a great movie!
That would be pretty amazing… 😉
Lindsey! This looks AMAZING. Can’t wait to read it. And so excited for yoU!!!
Thanks, Cara! You have some pretty awesome covers too.
Fantastic story blurb! I’m looking forward to reading the book!
Thanks, Lisa!! I learned from some of the best in the biz. 😉
What a great cover and a terrific premise. I am so hooked! Congratulations.
Yay! I love hearing that. Thank you. <3
This story sounds wonderful, Lindsay! Great cover too!
Thanks, Carrie! I pretty much flipped over the cover.
Beautiful cover, Lindsay!! And the premise is PHENOMENAL!!
<3 <3 Thanks, girl!
WOW! Lindsay, this is stunning! I love the whimsical nature, and of course the fact that the cover promises an armchair adventure (my favorite!). This reader is looking forward to discovering it next year. 🙂
Congrats on this awesome news/cover reveal.
That cover is absolutely gorgeous! <3
I'd buy this book off the shelves just based on the cover alone – the enticing book blurb is an added bonus! 😀 Congrats Lindsay!! I can't wait to read this next year!