The week before a book launches is always exciting…and anxiety-inducing…and busy…and everything in between! I’m so thrilled by all the early reviews of The Heart Between Us rolling in. They’ve encouraged my heart so much.

I wanted to update you all with opportunities to win a copy of The Heart Between Us and read more about me, my writing, and how this book came to be. Here are some of the blogs I’ve visited or will be visiting (and the dates!):

2/26: Christian Bookshelf Reviews — Guest post about the research behind the book and a giveaway

3/5: Carla Laureano’s blog — Guest post about a day in the life of ME and a giveaway

3/6: Reading Is My Superpower — Q&A and a giveaway

3/6: Just Commonly — Review and a giveaway

3/7: Faithfully Bookish — Author Spotlight & a giveaway

3/7: Sarah Ruut’s blog — Q&A and a giveaway

3/9: Eli’s Novel Reviews — Character spotlight and a giveaway

3/12: Seekerville — Guest post about getting your first draft done

3/13: Just Commonly — Q&A

3/13: Singing Librarian Books — Q&A and a giveaway

3/14: Tricia Goyer’s blog — Guest post on books I read & a giveaway

3/16: Leslie McKee’s blog — Q&A and a giveaway

4/2: Create Explore Read — New Novel News and a giveaway

In addition, this week (3/5-3/12), I’m participating in a BookSweeps giveaway! You can enter to win a copy of The Heart Between Us, plus more than 30 other romantic women’s fiction books and an e-reader! Just go here to enter:

And FINALLY…be on the lookout NEXT week for my MEGA launch week giveaway. I’m giving away an amazing package with some fun travel-related prizes, a copy of The Heart Between Us, and an Amazon gift card. Swing back by here on 3/13 for the details!